Reactivate Physiotherapy & Massage
Reactivate Physiotherapy & Massage

From Assessment To Treatment We Offer The Highest Quality Individualized One-On-One Care.
From Assessment To Treatment We Offer The Highest Quality Individualized One-On-One Care.
We use a variety of evidence based techniques and modalities that we combine to help get you feeling your best.
Registered Physiotherapy & Registered Massage Therapy Services Are Provided To:
Private patients
Extended Health Plan Patients (Direct Billing to most insurance companies)
Motor Vehicle Accident Patients
Workplace Injured Patients
What is Physiotherapy?
Physiotherapy is a regulated health profession committed to evidence-based practice and is regulated in Ontario by the College of Physiotherapists of Ontario. We are university educated and currently require a 4-year undergraduate degree prior to commencement of a formal 2-year Masters program for completion of a degree in physiotherapy.
We treat musculoskeletal, cardiovascular and neurological patients of all ages. Reactivate focuses on assessing and treating musculoskeletal/orthopaedic injuries
Assessment & Education
Physiotherapy Assessment
Our experienced physiotherapists will perform an in-depth assessment for your condition consisting typically of;
- Scanning for unusual symptom presentations
- Assessing Active, Passive and Functional Movements
- Palpation of Muscle, Tendon, Bone and Vascular structures
- Performing Functional Strength Testing/Manual Muscle Testing
- Assessing the joint function with respect to stability and biomechanics
- Using Special Tests to help rule in or rule out various competing diagnoses
- Education regarding the diagnosis based on the subjective and objective findings
Patient Education
The physiotherapist will identify with you those impairments noted in the assessment and formulate an evidence-based individualized treatment plan that may consist of any of the following dependent upon your diagnosis:
Education Regarding;
* Diagnosis - The most likely condition(s) causing your problem
* Prognosis - How long it will take for you to get better
* Contributing Factors - those factors that influence your recovery
* Prevention - develop strategies to prevent re-occurrence
Exercise Therapy
Exercise Therapy
Exercise is a key in correcting muscle imbalances, joint stabilization and faulty postures. It helps to increase strength, range of motion, endurance, power, agility, flexibility, balance, circulation and decreases the risk of re-injury.
We use a comprehensive exercise software program tailored to your needs that you can access online with written, picture and video demonstrations.
We will help you understand the proper exercises to get you better and allow you to reach your goals, whatever they may be.
Variety of techniques for various musculoskeletal conditions that are used to unload tight muscles, engage weak muscles and/or correct faulty postural adaptations.
These techniques have gained popularity through research with high performance athletes such as elite cyclists, runners, volleyball and basketball players.
Manual Therapy Techniques
Manual Therapy Techniques
Physiotherapist applies a graded manual technique to a joint in dysfunction generally for several minutes. Proven to help decrease pain restore range of motion, improve joint biomechanics/nutrition, and increase circulation.
Physiotherapist applies a high velocity low amplitude thrust or distraction force to a joint or soft tissue following screening for appropriateness of technique. Helps to decrease pain, unlock fixated joints, increase range of motion, improve joint nutrition/biomechanics and increase circulation.
Soft Tissue Release
Soft Tissue Release
Physiotherapist may use trigger point release, soft tissue massage or cross friction massage to decrease tightness/spasm, promote relaxation of tissue, increase circulation/blood flow to area, and/or mechanically break up scar tissue.
Active Isolated Stretching
Active Isolated Stretching
Physiotherapist may perform a variety of different stretching techniques to help restore ideal muscle flexibility which is very important in preventing faulty postures contributing to one's condition.
Active Release Therapy (ART) Fascial Stretch Therapy (FST)
Contract Relax Stretching
Neuromuscular Fascilitation

Ice/Heat Therapies
Ice/Heat Therapies
Ice and Heat therapies can be an effective treatment to target inflammation.
Cold application may take the form of an ice pack, ice massage or cryocuff machine.
Heat application via hot packs from our hydrocollator can help with chronic inflammation and promote relaxation and tissue repair.
Registered Massage Therapy
Registered Massage Therapy
Soft Tissue Massage
Soft Tissue Massage
Registered Massage Therapy is regulated in Ontario by the College of Massage Therapists of Ontario. They require a minimum of 2 years study from an accredited Massage Therapy Program where they learn various techniques including relaxation, Swedish and Deep Tissue massage.
Benefits of Massage Therapy;
Increase Circulation
Increase Joint Range of Motion
Decrease Stiffness
Decrease Stress
Decrease Anxiety
Decrease Headaches
Electrotherapeutic Modalities
Electrotherapeutic Modalities
- Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) is used for acute and chronic p​ain. Decreases pain and spasm and increases circulation to improve healing.
- Neuro-Muscular Electronic Stimulation (NMES) is used primarily post-operatively or with significant muscle weakness (atrophy). Can combine with exercise.
- Interferential Current (IFC) is used to decrease pain, spasm and swelling. Improves circulation and blood flow to promote healing.
Western Acupuncture developed from Traditional Chinese Medicine is the evidence based use of needles to specified points of the body. Helps to alleviate acute and chronic pain, decrease inflammation, increase range of motion, relieve spasm, improve blood flow, decrease nerve irritation and promote relaxation.
Uses ultrasonic waves to penetrate to a sp​ecific depth to the target tissue. Can be used to have a deep heating effect to promote more circulation to injured tissue or remodel scar tissue. Used regularly with acute or chronic tendonitis', nerve injury/irritation, muscle spasm/strain or ligament sprain that are localized